Monday, March 19, 2012

Upper Back Power

Strengthening your upper back early on in your pregnancy will help to prevent backaches and maintain good posture throughout your pregnancy. As our bump gets bigger, mummies-to-be have a tendency to hunch forward, resulting in rolled shoulders and caved-in chest. This can cause tight chest muscles and weak/tight upper back and shoulders because the muscles are now out of alignment and pulling forward. The muscles can continue to get weaker as the baby is born and mums are breast-feeding. But this can all be fixed with some simple exercises to correctly and safely strengthen the upper back.
Of course, I’m sure we know many people with office jobs who sit in front of their computers all day who can also benefit from many of these strengthening exercises, so please pass on the info!
1st Trimester:
Chest opener:
1. Stand with your back against a wall, feet hip-width apart.
2. Place your hands against the wall near your ears on your temples and open your elbows wide until they’re flat against the wall.
3. Slowly bring your elbows toward each other, keeping your back against the wall. Squeeze your shoulder blades together, keep your shoulders relaxed and flatten your elbows against the wall
4. Do 3 sets of 20–30 reps, resting 30–60 seconds between sets. Stretch can be done   throughout pregnancy.

Seated Row:
1.  Get a medium to heavy resistance band for this exercise. (Green, red, or blue)
2. Wrap the resistance band around a sturdy object in front of you (or use a door attachment). You have the option to sit or stand. Make sure there is tension on the band and the bend is about chest-height.
3. Hold the handles in each hand, arms straight out in front with the palms facing each other.
4. Keep the shoulders relaxed and down and only pull the elbows back to about torso level.
5. Return to start and repeat for 1 0-15  reps, 1-3 sets.

Fly Combo:
1.     Sit erect on the edge of a chair, knees bent and aligned over your ankles. Hold a light- to medium-resistance band or tube in front of you at shoulder height, straight, palms down, hands about 6 inches apart. Keep your shoulders relaxed and pull in your belly so you don’t slouch.
2.     Next, pull your arms apart and bend your elbows down toward your waist; band will end up near your breastbone
3.     Straighten arms to return to starting position and repeat for 12–15 reps.
4.     After the last rep, lower arms so the band is at chest height. Squeeze shoulder blades together, bending elbows out and back. Straighten arms and repeat for 10–15 reps for 1-2 sets
5.     For more resistance, bring hands closer together, choking up on the band. Builds strength and endurance in upper-back and rear-shoulder muscles.

Lateral raise
1. Holding a 2- to 4-pound dumbbell in each hand in front of thighs with elbows slightly bent. Palms face each other. Bend over slightly with hips and knees bent slightly.
2. Grasp dumbbells in front of thighs with elbows slightly bent. Bend over slightly with hips and knees bent slightly.
3. Raise upper arms to sides until elbows are shoulder height. Maintain elbows' height above or equal to wrists.
4. For advanced posture, you can add rotation to activate core.
5. Repeat for 10-15 repetitions for 1-2 sets.

2nd Trimester:
Cow/Cat Pose
1.  Start on your hands and knees in a tabletop position. Make sure your knees are set directly below your hips and your wrists, elbows and shoulders are in line and perpendicular to the floor. Center your head in a neutral position, eyes looking at the floor.
2.     As you inhale, curl your toes under. Let your belly drop, and slowly raise your chin toward the ceiling. (Cow Pose)
3.     Exhale, and drop the tops of your feet back to the floor, round your spine, and drop your head and look at your navel. It should look like a scared cat. (Cat Pose)
4.     Repeat for 10-15 repetitions for 1-2 set. This exercise can be perform throughout pregnancy unless you have diastasis recti.
Wall Push-up
1.     Stand at arm’s length from a wall and place your hands on it at about chest height, fingers spread.
2.     Separate your feet to hip-width apart and slightly bend your knees.
3.     Contract abdominals so your head, neck, back and hips are aligned. Squeeze shoulder blades together and relax shoulders, then bend elbows without flaring them outward, and bring chest toward wall.
4.     Without rounding your upper back, return to starting position by using your chest muscles, then repeat.
5.     To make the exercise more difficult, use a kitchen counter or bathroom sink instead of a wall. Strengthens chest and shoulders; increases stabilization of upper-back muscles.
6.     Repeat for 10-15 repetitions for 1-2 set.

 Alternating pullover

1.     Sit on the floor with knees bent and feet flat, then lean back against several firm pillows. Your head should be higher than your belly
2.     Hold a 3- to 5-pound dumbbell in each hand, resting the head of the dumbbells against your thighs. Your arms should be extended, palms facing in and elbows slightly bent.
3.     Contract the abdominals to bring your back down toward the floor. Keeping your torso motionless and your rib cage and shoulders relaxed, slowly lift your right arm overhead, bringing the top of the dumbbell toward the floor in an arc.
4.     Using your back and upper-chest muscles, pull arm back up and over your body, in an arc, to the starting position.
5.     Repeat with the left arm, and continue to alternate arms until you do all reps (1 rep equals doing the move with both arms). For variation, do the exercise with both arms moving together.
6.     Repeat for 10-15 repetitions for 1-2 set.

3rd Trimester:
Wall Push-up
1.     Stand at arm’s length from a wall and place your hands on it at about chest height, fingers spread.
2.     Separate your feet to hip-width apart and slightly bend your knees.
3.     Contract abdominals so your head, neck, back and hips are aligned. Squeeze shoulder blades together and relax shoulders, then bend elbows without flaring them outward, and bring chest toward wall.
4.     Without rounding your upper back, return to starting position by using your chest muscles, then repeat.
5.     To make the exercise more difficult, use a kitchen counter or bathroom sink instead of a wall. Strengthens chest and shoulders; increases stabilization of upper-back muscles.
Cow/Cat Pose
1.     Start on your hands and knees in a tabletop position. Make sure your knees are set directly below your hips and your wrists, elbows and shoulders are in line and perpendicular to the floor. Center your head in a neutral position, eyes looking at the floor.
2.     As you inhale, curl your toes under. Let your belly drop, and slowly raise your chin toward the ceiling. (Cow Pose)
3.       Exhale, and drop the tops of your feet back to the floor, round your spine, and drop your head and look at your navel. It should look like a scared cat. (Cat Pose)
4.     Repeat for 10-15 repetitions for 1-2 set. This exercise can be performed throughout pregnancy unless you have diastasis recti.
Shoulder Shrugs
1.     Stand holding dumbbells to the side, feet hip distance apart, knees slightly bent.
2.     Elevate shoulders and squeeze them up towards your ears(as high as you can without pain or discomfort), then hold for 2 seconds, and release.
3.     Repeat for 10-15 repetitions. One to two sets.


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